Post Secret , have you been out there and checked out the postcards? If not, you MUST go. Oh, well, those who belong to the Potty Mouth Police probably should avoid the site at all costs lest it offend your delicate sensibilities.
This morning I was laying bed with the laptop (that sounds sorta kinky, but I didn't mean it that tailbone is KILLING ME as is the associated pain, and it's just more comfortable to lay down sometimes that deal with the pain in the ass that is my The Little Imp is busily wiling away the day at Montesorri today) and decided to waste more valuable time...time that I could have spent cleaning my toilets with a toothbrush, ironing the hubby's socks, or even *gasp* doing something constructive. But alas, I decided to lollygag on the interwebs and went out to Post Secret .
For those of you that don't know what Post Secret is, well, you write your secret on a post card and send it, ANNONYMOUSLY to the good folks at Post Secret and they will obligingly scan it in and post it on their page for the ENTIRE FRIGGIN WORLD to see. Awesome stuff.
I hadn't been out there in ages. To be honest, some of the stuff can be a tad disturbing . This morning though, not only did I find something utterly disturbing, but it made my skin crawl. Ya'll know how I hate spiders, right? Let me reiterate that....I FREAKING HATE HATE SPIDERS! I don't care that they eat flies and other insects. I'll buy No Pest Strips and Venus Fly Trap plants, or better yet I'll let The Little Imp have a fly swatter and let her spend her summers swatting flies...but I DO NOT LIKE SPIDERS.
I do not like them in my house.
I do not like them on a mouse.
I do not like them in my car.
I do not like them in a bar.
But perhaps I might like them trapped inside an airtight jar!
Ok enough with the Dr. Seussness. Back to what I was saying.
So, I'm trapsing around Post Secret and come across THIS!!!!
(click to enlarge)
What the crap?!?!?!?!
Hey, girl,
I must admit I LOVE to read your blog and also Meg's now. As a parent of 2 teenagers and now a 20 year-old college student, it's interesting to read her perspective on things. It sounds like she has an exciting next few days, weeks and months ahead as she begins to hear back from colleges. Wish her luck for me on her interview! I'd leave her a comment myself, but she'd wonder who the heck Susan is! HA!
I hope all is well with you all. Your blog is definitely the high point of my day, so keep writing!!!
Posted by: Susan | Wednesday, February 27, 2008 at 03:20 PM
Awwww Susan, thanks for the sweet comment! It made my day. And go ahead and comment on Meg's blog, I know it would put a smile on her face.
Can you believe my twins are 18 already and off to college? I can't believe your oldest is 20!!! already! Wow times flies. I remember when your girls and your little boy were LITTLE!!!!!!
Posted by: Auds | Wednesday, February 27, 2008 at 09:50 PM